Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I was having a conversation with my co worker yesterday, she was telling me this unbelievable story that got me rather upset... It's like what is the world coming to?

Here's the story... T was telling me while on her way home on the 6 train she was over hearing a young lady about 21 yrs old talking to her male friend, she was telling him that she wasn't feeling to well and the last time she felt that way on the train she was with her mother and she actually passed out... as they continued to ride the overly crowed train she began to feel really hot and she continued to keep her friend posted as he joked and told her not to pass out on him... so as she began to feel worst she politely ask an older woman if she can have the seat she was sitting in because she wasn't feeling well as the lady flat out said "NO"... No sooner than the woman said no the young lady fainted as she fell backwards and hit her head on the seat, as people rushed to her aide and vocalized how wrong the woman was for saying "NO" the woman simply replied "Oh well, she's not my daughter" coldly and continued to go back and forth with other passengers to justify why she wasn't wrong for getting up! (UNBELIEVABLE)

Are you serious?? "Oh well, she's not my daughter", that was really wrong of the lady... It wasn't like the girl was fooling around being loud and crazy, she knew from experience what could've happened and just as someone refused to help, her fears of passing out came true... Now they were able to revive her and get her off at the train to get her some help. (at least there are some good people left in the world)

I know if I was on the train and witnessed that I would've cursed that lady out... I myself had a similar situation happen to me on the train earlier this year so I know exactly how the young lady felt inside, the feeling that you get just before you pass out isn't the greatest feeling at all, I was lucky enough that people were nice enough to help me before I actually hit the floor...

I mean really, is it too much to actually have compassion to help someone in need?... People need to get over themselves... and that woman will reap exactly what she sow... Shameful

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