Well let me introduce you guys to A-Marie the girlie girl, love to smile wear her hair down lip gloss, skinny jeans and actually put on some heels! Oowww
Now Here's Benji a true Nigga I mean foreal if you met Benji and have a convo With Benji you will be left wondering what the hell... Benji's mind work like a Man, the ones you wanna punch in the face! lol (hoodies, sneakers, baggy jeans and fitteds)
lol .. u got like 8 diff names for me on in btwn ya blogs, lol its all good tho! jus glad 2 c the benji vs. amarie blog! stay tuned ppl.. wats she posts about me its true (as far as how much of a ni99a BEnji can be && how sweet & girly AMarie can be... smhhh)..