Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Bad Girls Club
OK so MrzTalkofNY got me to tune into The Bad Girls Club... I must say it is really crazy, for the first ten minutes all I got was that there are a bunch of caddy chicks that love to argue and fight!(just like i was informed lol) Like seriously this is too funny first they're fighting and arguing with each other, then they get into it with someone in the club and then with each other again when they're back in the house... I guess I'll be tuning in more often... Hey its something to blog about Dont Judge Me!

Friday, September 4, 2009
Relationship Dating
Hey fam, I know it has been a while since I've updated my blog but I've been kinda in my own world. But i feel like posting something new today!
As you can see the title of this is "Relationship Dating"... I was doing some thinking and had a conversation about "Relationship Dating"... I feel that it is very important to go on dates while you are in a relationship, whether the relationship is two months new or you're 20 years in... Dating is needed to keep the relationship interesting.
It doesn't have to be anything big or extravagant, it can be the simplest thing like going for a walk or sitting on a board walk just to talk. (if that's an option) I always hear that after marriage a lot of things die out from sex to just acknowledging each other, I truly believe that those things die out because the two involved didn't care enough to keep those things going. Or maybe one party tried but the other was to busy into other things and forgot about home!
Nothing should ever allow one to forget about what they have at home unless they no longer care for whats at home, if that's the case then why stay together? the answer a lot of times is "COMFORT", it's such a shame when we as individuals get comfortable, that's when things start to fall apart right before your own eyes and then it's too late to get that old thing back!
It's so sad that we allow things to die, something that started out so beautiful is now very ugly because no one took the "TIME" out to try and keep things alive... Ne-Yo has a song entitled "TIME"... If you haven't heard it before I suggest that you take some time out to listen to it. If you're in a relationship there's a very valuable lesson to be learned...
When it's all said and done do what it takes to keep your relationship stress free and happy... (well that's only if you really want it to work)... Start this weekend go for a walk or go to the movies, if money is an issue go park up under a bridge and watch the sunset do something that you both will remember... Don't just continue to do the same old pattern it will just breed more frustration, with more frustration you get more arguments, with more arguments you develop more distance, with more distance he/she will find themselves with someone who's willing to put in that "TIME" to go on "Relationship Dates".
Disclaimer: This post is not in no way fashion shape or form intended to be negative, it's intended to give insight so that you don't lose something good or maybe even great!
"Communication is the Key, Which is controlled by Trust"
As you can see the title of this is "Relationship Dating"... I was doing some thinking and had a conversation about "Relationship Dating"... I feel that it is very important to go on dates while you are in a relationship, whether the relationship is two months new or you're 20 years in... Dating is needed to keep the relationship interesting.
It doesn't have to be anything big or extravagant, it can be the simplest thing like going for a walk or sitting on a board walk just to talk. (if that's an option) I always hear that after marriage a lot of things die out from sex to just acknowledging each other, I truly believe that those things die out because the two involved didn't care enough to keep those things going. Or maybe one party tried but the other was to busy into other things and forgot about home!
Nothing should ever allow one to forget about what they have at home unless they no longer care for whats at home, if that's the case then why stay together? the answer a lot of times is "COMFORT", it's such a shame when we as individuals get comfortable, that's when things start to fall apart right before your own eyes and then it's too late to get that old thing back!
It's so sad that we allow things to die, something that started out so beautiful is now very ugly because no one took the "TIME" out to try and keep things alive... Ne-Yo has a song entitled "TIME"... If you haven't heard it before I suggest that you take some time out to listen to it. If you're in a relationship there's a very valuable lesson to be learned...
When it's all said and done do what it takes to keep your relationship stress free and happy... (well that's only if you really want it to work)... Start this weekend go for a walk or go to the movies, if money is an issue go park up under a bridge and watch the sunset do something that you both will remember... Don't just continue to do the same old pattern it will just breed more frustration, with more frustration you get more arguments, with more arguments you develop more distance, with more distance he/she will find themselves with someone who's willing to put in that "TIME" to go on "Relationship Dates".
Disclaimer: This post is not in no way fashion shape or form intended to be negative, it's intended to give insight so that you don't lose something good or maybe even great!
"Communication is the Key, Which is controlled by Trust"
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Omg I haven't been here in a while I feel like I'm letting my readers down!
The reason for my absence is that I need a new charger for my laptop, my laptop will not stay on with out one. I guess I need a new laptop altogether!
Well I'm sending this post via Blackberry and I'll be back really soon! Til then love peace and happiness! (I have so much to share with you guys)
The reason for my absence is that I need a new charger for my laptop, my laptop will not stay on with out one. I guess I need a new laptop altogether!
Well I'm sending this post via Blackberry and I'll be back really soon! Til then love peace and happiness! (I have so much to share with you guys)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Its raining way too much for my liking, and frankly the rain need to go away! This isn't the way the weather is suppose to be in the middle of june, oh no wait there are less than seven days left in June... Are you telling me this is how our whole summer will be? Cold and rainy! This really sucks! really bad, not in a good way at all! Ugh
Friday, June 19, 2009
Finally... "A-Marie" vs. "Benji" pt. 1
This post is about the Alter Ego's... It's known that everyone has one at some point of there life...
Well let me introduce you guys to A-Marie the girlie girl, love to smile wear her hair down lip gloss, skinny jeans and actually put on some heels! Oowww

Now Here's Benji a true Nigga I mean foreal if you met Benji and have a convo With Benji you will be left wondering what the hell... Benji's mind work like a Man, the ones you wanna punch in the face! lol (hoodies, sneakers, baggy jeans and fitteds)
Well let me introduce you guys to A-Marie the girlie girl, love to smile wear her hair down lip gloss, skinny jeans and actually put on some heels! Oowww
Now Here's Benji a true Nigga I mean foreal if you met Benji and have a convo With Benji you will be left wondering what the hell... Benji's mind work like a Man, the ones you wanna punch in the face! lol (hoodies, sneakers, baggy jeans and fitteds)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I was having a conversation with my co worker yesterday, she was telling me this unbelievable story that got me rather upset... It's like what is the world coming to?
Here's the story... T was telling me while on her way home on the 6 train she was over hearing a young lady about 21 yrs old talking to her male friend, she was telling him that she wasn't feeling to well and the last time she felt that way on the train she was with her mother and she actually passed out... as they continued to ride the overly crowed train she began to feel really hot and she continued to keep her friend posted as he joked and told her not to pass out on him... so as she began to feel worst she politely ask an older woman if she can have the seat she was sitting in because she wasn't feeling well as the lady flat out said "NO"... No sooner than the woman said no the young lady fainted as she fell backwards and hit her head on the seat, as people rushed to her aide and vocalized how wrong the woman was for saying "NO" the woman simply replied "Oh well, she's not my daughter" coldly and continued to go back and forth with other passengers to justify why she wasn't wrong for getting up! (UNBELIEVABLE)
Are you serious?? "Oh well, she's not my daughter", that was really wrong of the lady... It wasn't like the girl was fooling around being loud and crazy, she knew from experience what could've happened and just as someone refused to help, her fears of passing out came true... Now they were able to revive her and get her off at the train to get her some help. (at least there are some good people left in the world)
I know if I was on the train and witnessed that I would've cursed that lady out... I myself had a similar situation happen to me on the train earlier this year so I know exactly how the young lady felt inside, the feeling that you get just before you pass out isn't the greatest feeling at all, I was lucky enough that people were nice enough to help me before I actually hit the floor...
I mean really, is it too much to actually have compassion to help someone in need?... People need to get over themselves... and that woman will reap exactly what she sow... Shameful
Here's the story... T was telling me while on her way home on the 6 train she was over hearing a young lady about 21 yrs old talking to her male friend, she was telling him that she wasn't feeling to well and the last time she felt that way on the train she was with her mother and she actually passed out... as they continued to ride the overly crowed train she began to feel really hot and she continued to keep her friend posted as he joked and told her not to pass out on him... so as she began to feel worst she politely ask an older woman if she can have the seat she was sitting in because she wasn't feeling well as the lady flat out said "NO"... No sooner than the woman said no the young lady fainted as she fell backwards and hit her head on the seat, as people rushed to her aide and vocalized how wrong the woman was for saying "NO" the woman simply replied "Oh well, she's not my daughter" coldly and continued to go back and forth with other passengers to justify why she wasn't wrong for getting up! (UNBELIEVABLE)
Are you serious?? "Oh well, she's not my daughter", that was really wrong of the lady... It wasn't like the girl was fooling around being loud and crazy, she knew from experience what could've happened and just as someone refused to help, her fears of passing out came true... Now they were able to revive her and get her off at the train to get her some help. (at least there are some good people left in the world)
I know if I was on the train and witnessed that I would've cursed that lady out... I myself had a similar situation happen to me on the train earlier this year so I know exactly how the young lady felt inside, the feeling that you get just before you pass out isn't the greatest feeling at all, I was lucky enough that people were nice enough to help me before I actually hit the floor...
I mean really, is it too much to actually have compassion to help someone in need?... People need to get over themselves... and that woman will reap exactly what she sow... Shameful
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Anger Management
trey songz
This is the latest from Trey Songz "Death of Kellz" I know everyone is familiar with Jay-z's "death of Autotunes"... Well this is Trey's version an attempt to get R. Kelly to Step his game up... Songz have made it clear that its not intended to disrespect Kellz but to Urge the King of R&B to redeem himself and step back into his rightful place in the R&B world...
I feel what Trey Songz is saying and respect his attempt... But lets see if Kellz take the bait... If not I guess we should just crown Trey as the new king, he does go HAM! lol
I feel what Trey Songz is saying and respect his attempt... But lets see if Kellz take the bait... If not I guess we should just crown Trey as the new king, he does go HAM! lol
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Missy's Prom...
For all that don't already know Missy is my child... Yes she calls me mom, I'm somebody that she can depend on no matter what! So of course when prom time rolled around she called on Super Deb to assist, and that i did!
I'm kind of nice with applying make-up not to mention doing hair... well let me not big my self up! (Imagine that!) well here are some pics

Okay but look at the dresses that these girls wore... SMH... LOL
I'm kind of nice with applying make-up not to mention doing hair... well let me not big my self up! (Imagine that!) well here are some pics
Okay but look at the dresses that these girls wore... SMH... LOL
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Happy 21st Birthday "Prada"
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Oceans 7 New Video "So Much Swagg"
I was soooo excited when I came across this Trey Songz video Mmmmmm "So So Much Swagg" Lmao
Monday, May 18, 2009
Saturday night
Monday, May 11, 2009
Must be love...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
More To Come Soon...
"A" vs. "Benji"... People please stay tuned this next post is going to be serious, it's taking me some time to get all the pieces together but trust me it will be good!!
Keri Hilson
Call me late or what ever you want but it really doesnt matter to me because i've been hip to the game... lol...
Keri Hilson isn't new to the scene but most ppl are just now getting a feel of who she is... I personally like her style and music... The best part of it is that Ms Hilson actually write for herself and alot of u ppl's favorite artist! (Yea check the credits)
Check out her Debute album "In A Perfect World" I Love it!!!

"Henny and Apple Juice that's what u give me if u really tyrna get me loose"
Keri Hilson isn't new to the scene but most ppl are just now getting a feel of who she is... I personally like her style and music... The best part of it is that Ms Hilson actually write for herself and alot of u ppl's favorite artist! (Yea check the credits)
Check out her Debute album "In A Perfect World" I Love it!!!

"Henny and Apple Juice that's what u give me if u really tyrna get me loose"
Saturday, May 9, 2009
G-Swagger & Yung Juggz
So Disappointed......

We heard that the breakup of their marriage started when Nas found out about Kelis’ sex tape with a rapper. When the news of the sex tape leaked to the media, his pride took a beating and that’s when things started to change. The sex tape was made before Nas and Kelis got married, but the damage was already done. Nas completely shut down, physically and emotionally, which is why they were very rarely seen together in public over the past few months.
Supposedly, the pregnancy was Kelis’ attempt to save the marriage. Even though Nas is excited that he’s having a son, he was still going to file for divorce. But apparently, Kelis wanted to beat him to the punch–likely out of spite–so she hurriedly filed first
Rihanna Is Back!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
This is a little something I wrote back in October... It's not the full length poem but I hope you guys will still enjoy my thoughts...
The star that shines so bright during daylight, As beautiful as the light blue sky at night, Sleeping with eyes wide shut, Expressing all with sealed lips, Painting with pencils, Drawing with pens, Reading songs is like singing poetry...
Crying with dry eyes and laughing at the pain, Just like summer rain the sun shines bright at night, Wake up to watch it set and fall asleep as it rises, There are no rules to happiness, Just love live life for all the days of your life...
The star that shines so bright during daylight, As beautiful as the light blue sky at night, Sleeping with eyes wide shut, Expressing all with sealed lips, Painting with pencils, Drawing with pens, Reading songs is like singing poetry...
Crying with dry eyes and laughing at the pain, Just like summer rain the sun shines bright at night, Wake up to watch it set and fall asleep as it rises, There are no rules to happiness, Just love live life for all the days of your life...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
After having Breakfast with the Girls
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Trina's PhotoShoot
I was browsing around and came across this Trina PhotoShoot, it caught my attention because i am secretly a Trina fan lol... So Yes I'm excited to know that she's preparing to drop yet another album and also have other projects to follow....
(It is a bit disappointing that the background music basically drowned her out)
(It is a bit disappointing that the background music basically drowned her out)
New Thoughts....
As the warm weather is approaching (slowly but surely) I've been thinking a lot about different Styles and Fashions (High Fashion and Street Fashion) for the Spring and Summer months... So I decided that this time around my personal style will have a extra twist on it, I haven't actually put my finger on what kind of twist but i know it will be something we'll all enjoy...
So of course my next few post will have a lot to do with Fashion from different styles of clothes, to all kinds of shoes down to the make up... Yes make up, I'm not big on make up but i found that the right kind of makeup and the right shades can truly enhance natural beauty, so for me its all about how you wear it. But please ladies make sure that its appealing the eyes and not leaving you looking like some kind of clown... MATCH YOUR SHADES TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY, FROM YOUR FOUNDATION TO YOUR LIP STICK! (Red, Green, Blue Black and Purple isn't made for everyone)
Well here's a little preview of what to expect:

This was so much out of the box for me... But i loved it and so did everyone around me ;-)
So of course my next few post will have a lot to do with Fashion from different styles of clothes, to all kinds of shoes down to the make up... Yes make up, I'm not big on make up but i found that the right kind of makeup and the right shades can truly enhance natural beauty, so for me its all about how you wear it. But please ladies make sure that its appealing the eyes and not leaving you looking like some kind of clown... MATCH YOUR SHADES TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY, FROM YOUR FOUNDATION TO YOUR LIP STICK! (Red, Green, Blue Black and Purple isn't made for everyone)
Well here's a little preview of what to expect:

This was so much out of the box for me... But i loved it and so did everyone around me ;-)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Love, Respect, Loyalty and Trust...
Okay so recently I went and got my fingers tatted up with four key words of Life. "Love, Respect, Loyalty and Trust" can either make or break any kind of relationship, especially if it's one worth keeping. I think everyone should take these words way more serious than how they already do (i know i sure do). Trust me if you implement these words in your everyday life you will begin to see certain changes for the good which will of course leave you and a lot of people around you very happy...

I also have live footage of when i was getting Loyalty and Trust done which i will be posting shortly. So stay tuned!
I also have live footage of when i was getting Loyalty and Trust done which i will be posting shortly. So stay tuned!
My Take On Love and Relationships...
"I heard the elevator is broken, I guess that's from the previous passenger that didn't appreciate it and allowed all the mechanical things on the inside to go bad. Now the doors won't open unless it's someone that know the ins and outs of how the elevator should be maintained..." ~Ms. Young~
Be very careful with who you decide to give your heart to, if a person doesn't know how to Love and Respect you then maybe you should think twice about pursuing a relationship with them. Remember If there isn't any Loyalty or Trust you don't have anything at all... Relationships consist of a lot more than just a male and a female... (Food for thought now you do the dishes)
Be very careful with who you decide to give your heart to, if a person doesn't know how to Love and Respect you then maybe you should think twice about pursuing a relationship with them. Remember If there isn't any Loyalty or Trust you don't have anything at all... Relationships consist of a lot more than just a male and a female... (Food for thought now you do the dishes)
I GOT A BLOG!!!!! (I'm loser now lol)
Okay, so after months and months and more months of my friends and family telling me that i should start a blog of my own i finally set mine up... My name is Ms. Young by the way but all my friends call me Dope-rah, I am pretty much into a lot of different things. I write poetry a lot that's what put me at ease in this crazy world that we live in so of course you guys will be able to get a taste of my thoughts. I also write songs so don't be surprised if you find out that the lyrics of your favorite singer or rapper's song are actually my words(lol). Seriously though i have a great love for music and fashion so you will also see post about what interest me in the industry... I don't want to bore you guys any longer about me or what to expect just stay tuned and hopefully i wont disappoint you!!
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