Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Its raining way too much for my liking, and frankly the rain need to go away! This isn't the way the weather is suppose to be in the middle of june, oh no wait there are less than seven days left in June... Are you telling me this is how our whole summer will be? Cold and rainy! This really sucks! really bad, not in a good way at all! Ugh

Friday, June 19, 2009

Going Out...

Here are some pics of me going out to different events...

Finally... "A-Marie" vs. "Benji" pt. 1

This post is about the Alter Ego's... It's known that everyone has one at some point of there life...

Well let me introduce you guys to A-Marie the girlie girl, love to smile wear her hair down lip gloss, skinny jeans and actually put on some heels! Oowww

Now Here's Benji a true Nigga I mean foreal if you met Benji and have a convo With Benji you will be left wondering what the hell... Benji's mind work like a Man, the ones you wanna punch in the face! lol (hoodies, sneakers, baggy jeans and fitteds)

Just Cuzz

I'm throwing these pictures in just Cuzz... I hope u guys like!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I was having a conversation with my co worker yesterday, she was telling me this unbelievable story that got me rather upset... It's like what is the world coming to?

Here's the story... T was telling me while on her way home on the 6 train she was over hearing a young lady about 21 yrs old talking to her male friend, she was telling him that she wasn't feeling to well and the last time she felt that way on the train she was with her mother and she actually passed out... as they continued to ride the overly crowed train she began to feel really hot and she continued to keep her friend posted as he joked and told her not to pass out on him... so as she began to feel worst she politely ask an older woman if she can have the seat she was sitting in because she wasn't feeling well as the lady flat out said "NO"... No sooner than the woman said no the young lady fainted as she fell backwards and hit her head on the seat, as people rushed to her aide and vocalized how wrong the woman was for saying "NO" the woman simply replied "Oh well, she's not my daughter" coldly and continued to go back and forth with other passengers to justify why she wasn't wrong for getting up! (UNBELIEVABLE)

Are you serious?? "Oh well, she's not my daughter", that was really wrong of the lady... It wasn't like the girl was fooling around being loud and crazy, she knew from experience what could've happened and just as someone refused to help, her fears of passing out came true... Now they were able to revive her and get her off at the train to get her some help. (at least there are some good people left in the world)

I know if I was on the train and witnessed that I would've cursed that lady out... I myself had a similar situation happen to me on the train earlier this year so I know exactly how the young lady felt inside, the feeling that you get just before you pass out isn't the greatest feeling at all, I was lucky enough that people were nice enough to help me before I actually hit the floor...

I mean really, is it too much to actually have compassion to help someone in need?... People need to get over themselves... and that woman will reap exactly what she sow... Shameful

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Anger Management

Ok so who goes a full 8 hours being angry and irritated?... (thats equal to a full day at work) The answer to that question is me, I do... I'm actually going on the eleventh hour right now, such a shame O'WELL... can we say psycho??? lol yes I must admit I need help!!!

Walking On The Moon

Here's the latest from The Dream and Mr. West!!!

trey songz

This is the latest from Trey Songz "Death of Kellz" I know everyone is familiar with Jay-z's "death of Autotunes"... Well this is Trey's version an attempt to get R. Kelly to Step his game up... Songz have made it clear that its not intended to disrespect Kellz but to Urge the King of R&B to redeem himself and step back into his rightful place in the R&B world...

I feel what Trey Songz is saying and respect his attempt... But lets see if Kellz take the bait... If not I guess we should just crown Trey as the new king, he does go HAM! lol

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Missy's Prom...

For all that don't already know Missy is my child... Yes she calls me mom, I'm somebody that she can depend on no matter what! So of course when prom time rolled around she called on Super Deb to assist, and that i did!

I'm kind of nice with applying make-up not to mention doing hair... well let me not big my self up! (Imagine that!) well here are some pics

Okay but look at the dresses that these girls wore... SMH... LOL

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday "Prada"

June 2nd is a very special day... Happy Birthday Miss (she's wearing the shirt with lipstick on it)... Shout out to everyone that came out!